(518) 867-4100 info@albanyrotary.org

Albany Rotary

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Albany Rotary Foundation – Granting Guidelines 7/1/24



  • Requests for funding are received by September 1st of each year for consideration. Requests with urgent time considerations can be made at any time during the year.
  • The Board of Trustees of the Albany Rotary Foundation will review the applications and grants will be announced no later than November 1st of each year. The Foundation may consider requests received after September 1 if Funds Available for Distribution have not been completely committed.


Acceptable requests are for funding for health, human services, capital funds and arts initiatives. Requests should be for specific programs or projects, not for general operations.

Incomplete grants will be reviewed and may be returned for revisions or more information.

Organizations must have a policy of non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status in all program activities.

The Foundation is seeking Regional Projects with a Strong Preference for organizations serving residents of the City of Albany and Albany County.

Preference is given to:

  • Programs for children
  • Programs targeted at underserved populations
  • One time funding requests
  • Projects that demonstrate service to an unmet need

Funding recipients must be 501(c3) under federal tax laws and provide a copy of their determination letter.

Albany Rotary Foundation reserves the right to require a full accounting of how the funds were used.

Specific Components

The Albany Rotary Foundation will be looking for the following components in the grant request:

I. Project Summary (one paragraph)
II. Organization Description (one paragraph)
III. Needs/Problems (developing the impact of the problem on the target population)
IV. Goals/Objectives (goals and objectives of the project, including the numbers to be served)
V. Timetable (timeframes for accomplishing the project)
VI. Budget (proposed costs and budget for the project, including any additional sources of funding)
VII. Copy of IRS determination letter

Email to: GBJackson36@gmail.com

Send applications to:
Albany Rotary Club
Attention: Albany Rotary Foundation
PO Box 3967
Albany, NY 12203

The Albany Rotary Foundation is the charitable arm of the Rotary Club of Albany. The primary purpose of the Foundation is to provide charitable funds for people in need in the Albany community. The Foundation has steadily grown since its inception in 1980 resulting in grant distributions totaling over $130,000 to 60 Albany based non-profit agencies.

Below are general guidelines for non-profits seeking funds from the Albany Rotary Foundation. Organizations must meet the following requirements:


  • Organizations must be a 501(C)(3)
  • Projects or programs must support people in need
  • Locations must be in the Albany area
  • We prefer to give seed money for new projects, not for annual fund drives
  • Gift size ranges from $1,000 up to $2500.00 per year. Larger grants may be considered on an exception basis, and